28 Apr 2015

Daily Art Muse – Glass Artist Paul Messink Dusciana Bravura – Mosaic Artist 6 Garden Art Mosaic Tutorials New Video with Opaline Glass from Bullseye Glass Off to Glass Craft and Bead Expo in Las Vegas! New from Colour de Verre…Bamboo

messink_north_avenue_beach_chicago-400x400Daily Art Muse took a bit of a break for awhile and I’m so glad she’s returned. She shows artists whose work is so wonderful and masterful in their respective techniques. Todays artist is a glass worker named Paul Messink. He captures imagery in layers of glass. This is the kind of work that I absolutely adore (can you tell?). Using enamels he builds layers that together make an image with depth and as the Muse describes, has a ghostly quality. Just lovely…

Source : glassart[dot]craftgossip[dot]com
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