15 Jun 2015

A 3D Printed Mold for Glass Blowing Let’s Go to Turkey and Learn Glass Working with Bronwen Heilman Back from GAS – San Jose Glass Art Society 2015 Another New and Fabulous Mold from Colour de Verre – Flaming Hearts A New E-Book from FusedGlass.org Turn Old Bottles into Picture Frames

moldprocess2Glass and technology go hand in hand. Here’s an example of 3D technology being utilized with glass blowing. Tim Belliveau received a grant from Concordia to experiment with 3D printing and hot glass. He posted  a video on his blog, FutureForest3D.com of using the brass mold he had made. Check out the video and learn more about the future of 3D printing and glass. I want a 3D printer.

Source : glassart[dot]craftgossip[dot]com
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