11 Jun 2015

Let’s Go to Turkey and Learn Glass Working with Bronwen Heilman Back from GAS – San Jose Glass Art Society 2015 Another New and Fabulous Mold from Colour de Verre – Flaming Hearts A New E-Book from FusedGlass.org Turn Old Bottles into Picture Frames Laura Hart – Fused Glass Butterflies

heart-2One of my favorite glass workers (and people) is Bronwen Heilman and she’s off to Turkey to teach. Let’s go! I saw this when I was at the GAS conference this past weekend. The Glass Furnace in Istanbul had a booth with a poster that had her name on it. What a cool thing to do. She’s teaching a three day flame working class on Painting with Powdered Glass. Super cool…of course if you can’t go to Turkey, check out her web site and see where else she’s teaching.

Source : glassart[dot]craftgossip[dot]com
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