21 Jun 2015

Easy to Make Glass Suncatchers Corinabeads Tutorial – Ribbon Cane Watch Brad Pearson Makes Silver Glass Shards A 3D Printed Mold for Glass Blowing Let’s Go to Turkey and Learn Glass Working with Bronwen Heilman Back from GAS – San Jose Glass Art Society 2015

10288421_f520It seems quite a few of my posts require you guys to have kilns and/or torches to create the tutorial…not this one! Here’s a project that I found over at Hubb pages on Rita K’s page that requires glue, glass, and plexi to make a cool sun catcher/wreath. Most of the supplies should be available at your local craft stores. You could even do it with recycled glass if you had a way to smooth the sharp edges of broken glass. A rock tumbler can make the glass just like sea glass which would make this project even cooler.

Source : glassart[dot]craftgossip[dot]com
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