17 Jun 2015

Watch Brad Pearson Makes Silver Glass Shards A 3D Printed Mold for Glass Blowing Let’s Go to Turkey and Learn Glass Working with Bronwen Heilman Back from GAS – San Jose Glass Art Society 2015 Another New and Fabulous Mold from Colour de Verre – Flaming Hearts A New E-Book from FusedGlass.org

qAU60FbBnilD5KrHN0qAxA7f6gAI found this video on Pinterest of Brad Pearson making silver glass chards that can be used for decorating other glass projects. In the video he’s using COE 104 glass, but you could do it with COE90 or 96 too. I enjoy watching other torch workers to see how their techniques vary. Brad makes gorgeous marbles and beads. Check out his web site after you watch the video. Brad’s got a cool torch too. You can do the same thing with a smaller torch like a minor bench burner, just not a hothead. I think I need some chards.

Source : glassart[dot]craftgossip[dot]com
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