First half of 1st century AD. Probably Italian.
H= 10.0 cm. D max= 8.9 cm. D rim= 3.3 cm. D base= 5.1 cm. Weight 68 gr.
Classification: Isings 1957: Form 13.
Condition: Intact. Excellent condition.
Technique: Free blown. Handle applied.
Description: Translucent dark purple colored glass __with some white marbled streaks in neck and handle. Squat bi-conical body __with slightly outsplayed, open base-ring with concave bottom. No pontil mark. The tall cylindrical neck gently sloping down into the shoulder. Rim folded-in with very small part just rounded. Bifurcated handle dropped onto shoulder, drawn up vertically, then folded slightly downwards and attached to the neck just below the rim.
Remarks: This juglet shows the high standing craftsmanship of Roman glassmakers and thanks its attractiveness to the very elegant form, the deep purple color, the shiny surface and perfect condition.
Published: Groen 2011, Romeins Glas uit particulier bezit, p. 54. Bonhams 29 April 2009, No. 99.
Exhibited: Thermenmuseum Heerlen (NL), Romeins Glas uit particulier bezit, 29 April – 28 August 2011, exh. No. 65.
Reference: Kunina 1997, Hermitage Museum, No. 345. Fremersdorf 1958, R-G Museum Köln, Tafel 50-51. Bonomi1996, Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Adria, Nos. 311 and 313. Cassagrande 2003, Museo di Storia Naturale e Archeologia di Montebelluna, Nos. 142-143.