25 May 2015

Drilling Holes in Glass Colour de Verre Made a Skull Mold! Zooziis Crystal Bead Press Tutorial! Kimiake & Shin-ichi Higuchi – Glass Artists on Daily Art Muse 7 Ideas To Make Your Own Terrarium Color Line Glass Paints…I’m So Excited!

3291100608_fd15961cd6Drilling holes in glass isn’t rocket science but it does require a few things to make it work…patience, a diamond bit, and most important, water. You’ve got to keep the glass and the bit cool whenever you drill or cut or grind. I found this tutorial from Perpetualplum’s Blog page. I was doing my usual bit of Pinterest viewing. I find so much interesting stuff through Pinterest…

Source : glassart[dot]craftgossip[dot]com
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