16 Mar 2017

OPENING: Lino Tagliapietra at the Morris will be maestro’s second art museum exhibit in Mid-Atlantic

Master glass artist Lino Tagliapietra will showcase works from the past 15 years in an upcoming solo exhibition at the Morris Museum in Morristown, New Jersey, opening __with a private reception on Saturday. "Lino Tagliapietra: Maestro of a Glass Renaissance" brings together works from private collections as well as the artist’s personal holdings. The exhibition has been organized by Morris Museum curator Alexandra Willis __with consultation from Jim Schantz, director of the Stockbridge, Massachusetts, gallery that bears his name. New York City's Heller Gallery was also involved in the organization and support of the exhibition.

After the March 11th private reception for museum members, as well as exhibition lenders, donors, and friends of the artist, there will be a Sunday morning breakfast. The artist will be present for both events, and Tagliapietra will lead a Sunday afternoon tour of the exhibition, which will remain on view through June 18, 2017. Six educational programs about Tagliapietra's work are scheduled to take place during the run of the exhibition.

The Morris Museum will not be the only art museum in the region where Tagliapietra's work is on exhibit. Through July 16, 2017, the Philadelphia Museum of Art is showing "Lino Tagliapietra, Painting in Glass," an exhibition that showcases five of the artist's experimental fused glass panels that reference the scale and visual language of painting. (Disclosure: GLASS editor Andrew Page is the co-curator of the Philadelphia Museum of Art exhibition). 


"Lino Tagliapietra: Maestro of a Glass Renaissance
March 12 – June 18, 2017
Morris Museum
6 Normandy Heights Road
Morristown, New Jersey
"Lino Tagliapietra: Painting in Glass"
Through July 16, 2017
Skylit Atrium, first floor, Perelman Building
Philadelphia Museum of Art
2525 Pennsylvania Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania